Monday, May 18, 2009

Wake Up Call

Good morning! Or afternoon, whatever.

The time is 13.24 and I have been up the grand total of a half hour. I have already demolished a Grazia magazine that told me of Brad and Jen's 'reunion'. Not much info really, just the usual 'an insider said this, a close friend said that'. Rubbish really.

Anyway I turned on my computer, you know to... check up on things.... low and behold I am greeted with a WONDERFUL post on Robsessed that includes many many beautiful pictures of my man leaving Vancouver. He told me was leaving you know, but it is always nice to see the proof! We're going to meet up in Cannes. Yep. Swear. To. God.

Anyway... I'm just going to include the highlights for me from this gift from the heavens!

Ahem. Yes. Well....

Shit, the most I'll ever see of Rob in Cannes is the paparazzi pictures that are posted of him in the fucking airport!! hahahaha Can't wait for those by the way! ROFL

Ah yes, how sad, I'll be sitting here refreshing Robsessed every hour to see is there any update! ('',)

Thanks to Robsessed for the pics!

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