Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Biggest Blonde Moment Of My Life

Seriously I cannot stop laughing at myself. This one is quite literally below the belt of stupidity.

I was talking to my friend about anonymity in regards to profile pictures with blogging and she showed me her picture of her with her hood up and a really dark room. Which is hilarious by the way. Anyway I went on to say I don't know why she bothered because the url for her blog is in her name...

Now for some god forsaken reason it didn't actually register that this wasn't in fact her name. She just used the same initials as her real name for a fake name.

Bring on the moment where I'm about to get in to an argument over it with her. The penny drops. Silence on MSN...well as much as you can get with MSN. Aka no one writing for a few seconds.

Que hilarity as she rips the piss out of me for not realising it and insane amounts of laughter. I'm still laughing at it. My face still hasn't returned to its normal colour.

See, I'm not one for getting stuff wrong. I'm usually the one that has the right answer. I'm not being smug about it, I just observe things an awful lot. But when I'm wrong about something, I'm wrong on a completely new level. It bypasses regular, day to day idiocy. Its in its own league!!!

I'm both mortified and annoyed with myself for not realising this sooner! I mean, COME ON!!! She's one of my best friends! I see the url on a daily basis and I STILL never copped it!

I'm going to hide in a hole for an hour until I forget about it! ('',)

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